Using JConsole - Java SE Monitoring and Management Guide - How to download JConsole?

Using JConsole - Java SE Monitoring and Management Guide - How to download JConsole?

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  Tenured Generation heap : The pool containing objects that have existed for some time in the survivor space.  

- Downloading JConsole and connecting it to a local Java process.

  The applications must be configured to allow access. Note - Using JConsole to monitor a local application is useful for development and for creating prototypes, but is not recommended for production environments, because JConsole itself consumes significant system resources. Implementing Nagios helps in increasing server, services, and application availability. You can run JConsole with the JTop plug-in by running the following command:.    


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If you don't specify a process ID, jconsole will automatically detect all local Java applications, and display a dialog box that lets you select the one you want to monitor see the next section. If you start jconsole with arguments specifying a JMX agent to which to connect, it will automatically start monitoring the specified JVM.

You can connect to a different host at any time by choosing Connection New Connection. Otherwise, if you do not provide any arguments when you start jconsole , the first thing you see is the connection dialog box.

This dialog box has three tabs:. Select the application you want to monitor, then click Connect. For information on user names and passwords, see Using Password and Access Files. To monitor the JVM running jconsole, simply click Connect, using host localhost and the port zero 0.

Note : If the JMX agent is using in a connector which is not included in the Java platform, you need to add the connector classes to the classpath when running jconsole as follow:.

The Summary tab displays some key monitoring information on thread usage, memory consumption, and class loading, plus information on the JVM and operating system. The chart shows the JVM's memory use versus time, for heap and non-heap memory, and for specific memory pools.

The memory pools available depend on the JVM being used. The bar chart at the lower right shows memory consumed by the memory pools in heap and non-heap memory. The bar will turn red when the memory used exceeds the memory usage threshold. You can set the memory usage threshold through an attribute of the MemoryMXBean. Well, you cannot download JConsole separately. The site will automatically detect the operating system that you are using — Windows, Mac or Linux and you can download the appropriate file.

So you have downloaded the JDK. Now to open JConsole you can follow these simple steps. You can start JConsole using the command prompt from any location and not necessarily go to the Java installation bin folder every time you want to open it using CLI. The jconsole command launches a graphical console tool that enables you to monitor and manage Java applications and virtual machines on a local or remote machine.

JConsole uses the extensive instrumentation of the Java Virtual Machine Java VM to provide information about the performance and resource consumption of applications running on the Java platform. Downloading JConsole and connecting it to a local Java process. JConsole is a JMX compliant monitoring and management tool. See the API documentation for java. Thread for more information about threads and daemon threads. The Details section at the bottom of the tab displays the total number of classes loaded since the Java VM started, the number currently loaded and the number unloaded.

You can set the tracing of class loading to verbose output by checking the checkbox in the top right-hand corner. The Hotspot VM uses adaptive compilation, in which the VM launches an application using a standard interpreter, but then analyzes the code as it runs to detect performance bottlenecks, or "hot spots".

Total threads started : Total number of threads started since Java VM started, including daemon, non-daemon, and terminated threads.

Total classes loaded : Total number of classes loaded into memory since the Java VM started, including those that have subsequently been unloaded. Total classes unloaded : Number of classes unloaded from memory since the Java VM started. Garbage collector : Information about garbage collection, including the garbage collector names, number of collections performed, and total time spent performing GC.

Committed virtual memory : Amount of virtual memory guaranteed to be available to the running process. VM arguments : The input arguments the application passed to the Java VM, not including the arguments to the main method. Class path : The class path that is used by the system class loader to search for class files. Boot class path : The boot class path is used by the bootstrap class loader to search for class files. The MBeans tab allows you to access the full set of the platform MXBean instrumentation, including that which is not visible in the other tabs.

In addition, you can monitor and manage your application's MBeans using the MBeans tab. The tree on the left shows all the MBeans currently running. When you select an MBean in the tree, its MBeanInfo and its MBean Descriptor are both displayed on the right, and any attributes, operations or notifications appear in the tree below it.

By default, the MBeans are displayed in the tree based on their object names. The order of key properties specified when the object names are created is preserved by JConsole when it adds MBeans to the MBean tree. The exact key property list that JConsole will use to build the MBean tree will be the one returned by the method ObjectName.

However, relying on the default order of the ObjectName key properties can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior when JConsole renders the MBean tree. For example, if two object names have similar keys but their key order differs, then the corresponding MBeans will not be created under the same node in the MBean tree.

As far as the JMX technology is concerned, these objects will be treated in exactly the same way. The order of the keys in the object name makes no difference to the JMX technology. To avoid this problem, you can specify the order in which the MBeans are displayed in the tree by supplying an ordered key property list when you start JConsole at the command line. This is achieved by setting the system property com. The key property list system property takes a comma-separated list of keys, in the order of your choosing, where key must be a string representing an object name key or an empty string.

If a key specified in the list does not apply to a particular MBean, then that key will be discarded. If an MBean has more keys than the ones specified in the key property list, then the key order defined by the value returned by ObjectName.

Therefore, specifying an empty list of keys simply means that JConsole will display keys in the order they appear in the MBean's ObjectName. So, returning to the example of the Triangle MBeans cited above, you could choose to start JConsole specifying the keyPropertyList system property, so that all your MBeans will be grouped according to their side key property first, and their name key property second.

To do this, you would start JConsole with the following command. Starting JConsole with this system property specified would produce the MBean tree shown in Figure In Figure , the side key comes first, followed by the name key.

The type key comes at the end because it was not specified in the key property list, so the MBean tree algorithm applied the original key order for the remaining keys. Consequently, the type key is appended at the end, after the keys which were defined by the keyPropertyList system property. According to the object name convention defined by the JMX Best Practices Guidelines , the type key should always come first. So, to respect this convention you should start JConsole with the following system property.

This is obviously much more comprehensible than the MBean trees shown in Figure and Figure Selecting the Attributes node displays all the attributes of an MBean. Figure shows all the attributes of the Threading platform MXBean. Selecting an individual MBean attribute from the tree then displays the attribute's value, its MBeanAttributeInfo , and the associated Descriptor in the right pane, as you can see in Figure You can display additional information about an attribute by double-clicking on the attribute value, if it appears in bold text.

For example, if you click on the value of the HeapMemoryUsage attribute of the java. Memory MBean, you will see a chart that looks something like Figure Double-clicking on numeric attribute values will display a chart that plots changes in that numeric value.

You can also use JConsole to set the values of writable attributes. The value of a writable attribute is displayed in blue. Here you can see the Memory MBean's Verbose attribute. You can set attributes by clicking on them and then editing them.

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